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Helpful Gifts for Patients in End of Life Care

In 2017, heart disease and cancer claimed over 1.2 million lives in the United States alone. In the same year, 1.49 million patients received hospice care, which is carefully designed for terminally ill patients’ needs.

The friends and family of terminally ill patients may struggle to balance their grief with the needs of the patient. It can be challenging for those seeking a way to demonstrate their feelings to know what is appropriate. Here are some options to consider if you’re shopping for a terminally ill person.


Patients who are terminally ill undergo medical treatments and take medications that affect them mentally and physically. Many people struggle with fatigue and what’s known as brain fog, which is a common symptom of cancer treatments. Patients may not have the ability to concentrate or energy to seek medical and financial information, which is why knowledge can be a great gift. Doing research for cancer patients or seniors who aren’t able to do it for themselves is a wonderful way to show support.

If the patient you know may have financial issues, you can present them with information about an American Life Fund viatical settlement. Viatical settlements allow terminally ill individuals to sell their life insurance policy while they’re still alive. The process is straightforward. The patient contacts a viatical settlement company, such as American Life Fund, and provides them with the documentation needed to verify their illness and information about their life insurance policy. The settlement company locates a buyer for the policy. The buyer pays the seller a single cash payout. Although the payout that the seller receives is less than the life insurance policy’s value, it’s more than the cash-out amount they would receive from the insurance company. The funds are tax-free and can be used to cover medical expenses or any other financial burden that someone with a life-threatening illness that keeps them from working may be facing. The buyer assumes responsibility for any remaining life insurance policy payments. This can be an ideal option for individuals who are having financial challenges because of their illness.

Spiritual Comfort

Give your friend or loved one a large print Bible. You can highlight comforting passages for them to look over and find strength in at difficult moments. One of the advantages of a large print Bible is that they’re easier to read, so you won’t have to worry about eye strain preventing the patient from enjoying the gift, even if your loved on has late-stage cancer or another terminal illness. Translations available include the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), Christian Standard Bible (CSB), New International Version (NIV), and New King James Version (NKJV) versions. You can also purchase The Living Bible in large print. The Living Bible isn’t a translation; it’s a paraphrased version of the American Standard Bible (ASB).


Spend time with your loved one. Some people find it challenging to visit people with a terminal illness, even if the patient is a friend or family member. It’s natural to struggle with your grief, but the person may feel forgotten and unwanted if people stop visiting. When they have good days, you may be able to go out for a drive or a walk and enjoy some fresh air. You can also sit with them and watch television or read them a favorite book. A cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to come between your special moments together.

Comfortable Clothes

Bedridden patients may wear pajamas most of the time. Consider their personality and invest in comfortable pajamas they can enjoy. Some people may like cute, bright patterns with silly designs, while others may prefer something stylish.

If your friend or loved still goes out, they may enjoy going on a shopping trip and picking out some new outfits. This can be a great way to boost their spirits while meeting a practical need since many people with terminal illness experience weight loss.

Digital Photos

Some people still have boxes of photos or photo albums where they keep their pictures. Scanning these images and saving digital copies can be an excellent gift for a person who’s terminally ill. You can upload the images onto a tablet, computer, USB flash drive, or another storage device. Once you give the patient the collection, they’ll be able to access cherished photographs with the press of a few buttons. If your friend already has their photos stored digitally, consider giving them a digital photo frame that they can keep by their bedside.

Pillows and Blankets

People who are terminally ill may spend a lot of time lying or sitting in bed. A good pillow can help ensure they get a good night’s sleep. There are also special pillows designed to provide support when a person sits up in bed, and these pillows can increase your friend’s comfort.

The patient may also enjoy a heated throw blanket or a heated mattress pad. If they have experienced weight loss and struggled to maintain their body temperature, they will appreciate a gift that keeps them warm.

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